If your son is going to be absent, late or leaving school for an appointment: Please contact Attendance via email [email protected] or phone 410 8667 to leave a message on the Attendance voicemail on the day concerned. Clearly state your son’s name/student ID number and Virtute Tutor Group number and the reason for absence/appointment. Daily notification of illness is required, unless otherwise specified.
If your son has an appointment during school hours where possible, please let the school know in advance, they are then issued with a leave pass which permits them to leave the school premises without further action. If students are returning from an appointment they must check in at Attendance prior to going to class. The roll will be adjusted according to the Ministry of Education rules.
If your child feels ill while they are at school, they must visit the Health Centre and they will be assessed by the Nurse. If they need to leave school parents will be contacted. Students should not contact parents themselves requesting collection.